The Power of Social Media 

Social Media is one of the leading ways to bring in donations. We're here to help you with sample content, hashtags, and how to share your link to get the most out of your fundraising campaign! 
Connect your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to your Donor Drive page!

Log in to your event and navigate to your page. Scroll down to see the social media icons. From there, you can get your page link and share it on your own, or click Share, Tweet, in Share to send directly to your platforms! Write out a couple of sentences on why you chose to fundraise for this event, and share with friends and family! 

You can continue to use this method to share your progress and continue reaching out to donors. 

Facebook Charities

Another option is to begin a Facebook Fundraiser. If you do so, please email us at so we can keep track of it! Simply navigate to your facebook, start typing a status, and select "support a nonprofit". Make sure you select Special Olympics Massachusetts! 


Follow us and tag us in your posts! 

We have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where you can learn about all things Special Olympics Massachusetts and share with your followers.